Mental Health Lab Clinic

PPI would like to be part of the solution in providing mental health services to the communities in Machinga and Nkhotakota and Likoma districts since it has been noted that there is limited knowledge on how to tackle mental health problems. Malawi has continuously registered mental health-related suicide, especially among men and boys due to […]


As one way of curbing Cholera Pamudzi Pathu Initiative with help from Friends of Malawi (FOMA) is constructing run off protection structures (Apron) on shall wells at Kazoola Community in TA Kalumba Lilongwe District. This project is targeting serving 3011 people with clean water.

Children need love

Let’s put a smile in the faces of poor and needy children let’s all donate the little we have to support this program.

Pamudzi Pathu Initiative donates to Salima District Hospital

Pamudzi Pathu Initiative donates to Salima

Pamudzi Pathu Initiative donates to Salima District Hospital, In continuing its efforts to challenge community hiccups that derail socioeconomic development, on Thursday, 5 August 2021, we donated medical drugs to Salima District Hospital which included Women’s prenatal vitamins, Vitamin A supplements for Under 5 infants and Albendazole. The donation sourced from Vitamin Angels is worth […]

Mtsikana Wamakono Project

mtsikana wamakono project

Mtsikana Wamakono Project is an upcoming project from Pamudzi PAthu Initiative which seeks to undertake interventions that will empower girls though keeping them in school, introducing them to village savings loans as well as addressing gender based (GBV) violence and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR). The project will work with community members so that they […]