Pamudzi Pathu Initiative donates to Salima District Hospital

Pamudzi Pathu Initiative donates to Salima

Pamudzi Pathu Initiative donates to Salima District Hospital, In continuing its efforts to challenge community hiccups that derail socioeconomic development, on Thursday, 5 August 2021, we donated medical drugs to Salima District Hospital which included Women’s prenatal vitamins, Vitamin A supplements for Under 5 infants and Albendazole.

The donation sourced from Vitamin Angels is worth an estimated $49,500 (K40,000,000). District Medical Officer for Salima, Dr. Jollings Kasondo, applauded Pamudzi for the timely donation of the supplements. “We are facing an acute shortage of these supplements in our health centres. This is worsened by delay in the Central Medical Stores to process the acquisition and delivery of these essential drugs to district hospitals around the country”, said Kasondo. “This is threfore, timely and relieving as pregnant women will benefit greatly from these supplements”, he added.

The Project Lead for Pamudzi, Innocent Kachingwe, said the donation was only the start of good things to come for the district. “Pamudzi is quite new. We intend to implement a child health and nutrition project in the district early next year. As such this is just one of the entry activities we have outlined for the district. we intend to meet the District Health Management Team (DHMT) soon, to map the way forward on this impending project”, he said.

Pamudzi is also working on delivering the same kind of donation to Machinga district which has been earmarked as one of the projects district for the Initiative. Together, we rise!

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