what we do at

Pamudzi Pathu Initiatives

Pamudzi Pathu Initiative works to directly improve the lives of women, men, youths and children who are at risk of experiencing abuse. We look forward to the poorest and most excluded people having access to land; food security; improved public services; quality education; resilience to disasters and shocks; freedom from violence and economic rights.




  • Strengthen education for both boys and girls in primary and secondary schools.
  • Providing civic education on rights of children for parents, guardians and community leaders.

  • Promotion of early childhood development.



  • (water, sanitation and hygiene) Under this area, the organization shall have the following programs

    • Making sure that people  have access to quality and safe water.
    • Rehabilitation of water and sanitation systems.



  • Improving well-being of vulnerable communities in Malawi. Programs under this area:

    • Promotion of child and family nutrition
    •  Promotion of adolescents and young women Sexual reproductive health



Economic Empowerment

    • Promotion of Village Savings Loans of marginalised women and youth through setting up new VSL GROUPS as well as strengthening already existing VSL’s through capacity building training

    • Livestock pass on system
    • Promotion of small scaled businesses amongst the women and youths